Basic Information
SREWay code | 199 |
Name | S3_IN |
Is Public | Yes |
Uploaded by | (not set) |
Critically Assessed | No |
Resource Category | WASTES RESULTING FROM EXPLORATION, MINING, QUARRYING, AND PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL TREATMENT OF MINERAL / wastes from physical and chemical processing of non-metalliferous minerals / wastes not otherwise specified (EEA code: 01.04.99) |
Category Type | Laboratory Slag / Glass |
Background information | Synthetic slag (in the range of industrial copper slag) produced with Indutherm - fast cooled (higher Fe) |
Location | MTM, KU Leuven |
Location Longitude | (not set) |
Location Latitude | (not set) |
Source | SREMat, MTM, KU Leuven |