Showing 81-100 of 105 items.
Sustainable Resources Database
SREWay code | Uploaded by | Name | Information | Location | Source | Status | Category | Resource Category | Chemical Composition | Elements | Actions |
178 | harare | (not set) | Portland Cement | Not available / Not listed / Not available / Not listed / Not available / Not listed (EEA code: 999.999.999) | CaO - 63 wt% SiO2 - 18 wt% Al2O3 - 5 wt% FeO - 4 wt% MgO - 1 wt% Others: 9 wt% | Al Ca Fe Mg Si | View | ||||
179 | harare | (not set) | Industrial Slag / Glass | WASTES RESULTING FROM EXPLORATION, MINING, QUARRYING, AND PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL TREATMENT OF MINERAL / wastes from physical and chemical processing of metalliferous minerals / other wastes containing dangerous substances from physical and chemical processing of metalliferous (EEA code: 01.03.07) | FeO - 52 wt% SiO2 - 32 wt% Al2O3 - 4 wt% CaO - 3 wt% MgO - 2 wt% Others: 7 wt% | Al Ca Fe Mg Si | View | ||||
180 | harare | (not set) | SCM | Not available / Not listed / Not available / Not listed / Not available / Not listed (EEA code: 999.999.999) | CaO - 99 wt% Others: 1 wt% | Ca | View | ||||
181 | harare | (not set) | Other Component | Not available / Not listed / Not available / Not listed / Not available / Not listed (EEA code: 999.999.999) | View | ||||||
182 | harare | (not set) | SCM | Not available / Not listed / Not available / Not listed / Not available / Not listed (EEA code: 999.999.999) | View | ||||||
183 | harare | (not set) | Chemical Admixture | Not available / Not listed / Not available / Not listed / Not available / Not listed (EEA code: 999.999.999) | View | ||||||
184 | harare | (not set) | Fine Aggregate | Not available / Not listed / Not available / Not listed / Not available / Not listed (EEA code: 999.999.999) | View | ||||||
185 | FalconProject | (not set) | Industrial Slag / Glass | WASTES RESULTING FROM EXPLORATION, MINING, QUARRYING, AND PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL TREATMENT OF MINERAL / wastes from physical and chemical processing of metalliferous minerals / Not available / Not listed (EEA code: 01.03.999) | Fe2O3 - 37.1 wt% SiO2 - 28.2 wt% Na2O - 16.9 wt% MgO - 4.89 wt% Al2O3 - 3.92 wt% CaO - 3.01 wt% Cr2O3 - 2.16 wt% BaO - 1.63 wt% CuO - 0.42 wt% K2O - 0.36 wt% P2O5 - 0.35 wt% TiO2 - 0.25 wt% SnO2 - 0.2 wt% MnO - 0.2 wt% Others: 0.41 wt% | Al Ba Ca Cr Cu Fe K Mg Mn Na P Si Sn Ti | View | ||||
186 | FalconProject | Metakaolin, brand name Argical 1200S | (not set) | Mineral | Not available / Not listed / Not available / Not listed / Not available / Not listed (EEA code: 999.999.999) | SiO2 - 55 wt% Al2O3 - 39 wt% Fe2O3 - 1.8 wt% TiO2 - 1.5 wt% Na2O - 0.5 wt% K2O - 0.5 wt% CaO - 0.3 wt% MgO - 0.3 wt% Others: 1.1 wt% | Al Ca Fe K Mg Na Si Ti | View | |||
187 | rr22 | Synthetic iron-rich CSA cement | An Iron-rich CSA cement made from (38%) bauxite residue, (5%) kaolin, (15%) gypsum and (42%) limestone fired at 1300 °C for 1 hr dwell | Leuven | (not set) | Other Cements | Not available / Not listed / Not available / Not listed / Not available / Not listed (EEA code: 999.999.999) | CaO - 42.3 wt% Fe2O3 - 17.8 wt% Al2O3 - 15.4 wt% SiO2 - 9.8 wt% SO3 - 9.2 wt% TiO2 - 2.6 wt% Na2O - 1.7 wt% MgO - 1 wt% Others: 0.2 wt% | Al Ca Fe Mg Na S Si Ti | View | |
188 | rr22 | Synthetic Iron-rich CSA cement (from Valoxy) | Synthetic iron rich CSA cement made from Bauxite residue (36%), Limestone (42%), Valoxy (13%) and gypsum (9%) fired at 1250°C at 3 hours | Leuven | (not set) | Other Cements | Not available / Not listed / Not available / Not listed / Not available / Not listed (EEA code: 999.999.999) | CaO - 40 wt% Al2O3 - 23.5 wt% Fe2O3 - 18.7 wt% SiO2 - 5.5 wt% SO3 - 5.5 wt% TiO2 - 2.6 wt% Na2O - 2 wt% MgO - 2 wt% Others: 0.2 wt% | Al Ca Fe Mg Na S Si Ti | View | |
189 | rr22 | Al-rich raw material (byproduct from salt slag recycling) during secondary alumina production | Leuven | (not set) | Other Residue | Not available / Not listed / Not available / Not listed / Not available / Not listed (EEA code: 999.999.999) | Al2O3 - 66.4 wt% MgO - 10 wt% SiO2 - 8.6 wt% Fe2O3 - 1.8 wt% CaO - 1.5 wt% TiO2 - 1.2 wt% Na2O - 1.1 wt% SO3 - 0.1 wt% Others: 9.3 wt% | Al Ca Fe Mg Na S Si Ti | View | ||
191 | pk11thaiha | (not set) | Ore | WASTES FROM AGRICULTURE, HORTICULTURE, AQUACULTURE, FORESTRY, HUNTING AND FISHING, FOOD PREPARATION / wastes from the preparation and processing of meat, fish and other foods of animal origin / animal-tissue waste (EEA code: 02.02.02) | Ag2O - 1 wt% Others: 99 wt% | Ag | View | ||||
192 | fabiocabral | Montgrand, France | Rio Tinto | (not set) | Tailing | WASTES RESULTING FROM EXPLORATION, MINING, QUARRYING, AND PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL TREATMENT OF MINERAL / wastes from physical and chemical processing of metalliferous minerals / red mud from alumina production other than the wastes mentioned in 01 03 07 (EEA code: 01.03.09) | CaO - 35 wt% SiO2 - 27.3 wt% Fe2O3 - 16.7 wt% Al2O3 - 13.2 wt% TiO2 - 2.6 wt% Na2O - 1.3 wt% Others: 3.9 wt% | Al Ca Fe Na Si Ti | View | ||
193 | fabiocabral | Gardanne, France | Rio Tinto | (not set) | Tailing | WASTES RESULTING FROM EXPLORATION, MINING, QUARRYING, AND PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL TREATMENT OF MINERAL / wastes from physical and chemical processing of metalliferous minerals / red mud from alumina production other than the wastes mentioned in 01 03 07 (EEA code: 01.03.09) | Fe2O3 - 41.6 wt% Al2O3 - 27.1 wt% CaO - 15.6 wt% TiO2 - 6.3 wt% SiO2 - 5.5 wt% Na2O - 2.5 wt% Others: 1.4 wt% | Al Ca Fe Na Si Ti | View | ||
194 | fabiocabral | Yarwun, Australia | Rio Tinto | (not set) | Tailing | WASTES RESULTING FROM EXPLORATION, MINING, QUARRYING, AND PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL TREATMENT OF MINERAL / wastes from physical and chemical processing of metalliferous minerals / red mud from alumina production other than the wastes mentioned in 01 03 07 (EEA code: 01.03.09) | Fe2O3 - 30.1 wt% Al2O3 - 25.5 wt% SiO2 - 22.3 wt% Na2O - 9.8 wt% TiO2 - 6.7 wt% CaO - 1.6 wt% Others: 4 wt% | Al Ca Fe Na Si Ti | View | ||
196 | Konstantina_Koukouza | Synthetic slag (in the range of industrial copper slag) produced with Indutherm | KU Leuven | SREMat, MTM, KU Leuven | (not set) | Laboratory Slag / Glass | WASTES RESULTING FROM EXPLORATION, MINING, QUARRYING, AND PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL TREATMENT OF MINERAL / wastes from physical and chemical processing of non-metalliferous minerals / wastes not otherwise specified (EEA code: 01.04.99) | FeO - 46.8 wt% SiO2 - 45.7 wt% Al2O3 - 5.39 wt% CaO - 0.96 wt% MgO - 0.47 wt% SO3 - 0.26 wt% Others: 0.42 wt% | Al Ca Fe Mg S Si | View | |
197 | Konstantina_Koukouza | Synthetic slag (in the range of industrial copper slag) produced with Indutherm - slowly cooled | MTM, KU Leuven | SREMat, MTM, KU Leuven | (not set) | Laboratory Slag / Glass | WASTES RESULTING FROM EXPLORATION, MINING, QUARRYING, AND PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL TREATMENT OF MINERAL / wastes from physical and chemical processing of non-metalliferous minerals / wastes not otherwise specified (EEA code: 01.04.99) | FeO - 47.9 wt% SiO2 - 44.7 wt% Al2O3 - 5.19 wt% Others: 2.21 wt% | Al Fe Si | View | |
198 | Konstantina_Koukouza | S2_IN | Synthetic slag (in the range of industrial copper slag) produced with Indutherm - fast cooled | MTM, KU Leuven | SREMat, MTM, KU Leuven | (not set) | Laboratory Slag / Glass | WASTES RESULTING FROM EXPLORATION, MINING, QUARRYING, AND PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL TREATMENT OF MINERAL / wastes from physical and chemical processing of non-metalliferous minerals / wastes not otherwise specified (EEA code: 01.04.99) | FeO - 53.8 wt% SiO2 - 37 wt% Al2O3 - 4.64 wt% CuO - 0.41 wt% Others: 4.15 wt% | Al Cu Fe Si | View |
199 | Konstantina_Koukouza | Synthetic slag (in the range of industrial copper slag) produced with Indutherm - fast cooled (higher Fe) | MTM, KU Leuven | SREMat, MTM, KU Leuven | (not set) | Laboratory Slag / Glass | WASTES RESULTING FROM EXPLORATION, MINING, QUARRYING, AND PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL TREATMENT OF MINERAL / wastes from physical and chemical processing of non-metalliferous minerals / wastes not otherwise specified (EEA code: 01.04.99) | FeO - 67.3 wt% SiO2 - 25 wt% Al2O3 - 3.91 wt% Others: 3.79 wt% | Al Fe Si | View |